
Every semester, more than 300 students from all over the world spend an exchange semester at the University of St. Gallen to broaden their academic and cultural horizons. The BuddySystem acts as an official link between them and Swiss culture. To this end, the BuddySystem offers exchange students numerous cultural events and enjoyable activities. In addition, our initiative also includes 300 Swiss students who support the exchange students in their integration. We offer exchange students the opportunity to be assigned a local buddy who helps them get used to the demands of the university, the city and the people. This way, long-lasting friendships can develop and we are also happy to meet new exchange students from all over the world every semester.

Buddy Matching
Thank you for your application.
Please note that we are currently still in the matching process and you will be informed about your buddy by E-Mail in September at the latest.
Without the support of our great partners, our projects would not be possible.
We are immensely grateful for your generous and continuous support!

Our long-standing partner Trischli as the largest student club in St. Gallen convinces us every semester anew. Under the motto "Dance with us" or "Exchange goes wild" parties are organized in cooperation with Trischli. Among all the many memories that the exchange students take home after their semester in St.Gallen, the nights at the Trischli are still present years later.

Focus Water
Mit FOCUSWATER, dem erfrischenden und leichten Vitaminwasser, existiert seit 2008 die Lösung im Dilemma zwischen Softgetränken und Wasser. Das Produktportfolio umfasst mittlerweise acht Sorten. Sechs davon sind kalorienarm und zwei davon komplett ohne Kalorien. Alle Produkte sind mit wertvollen Vitaminen und Mineralien angereichert. Join the movement – find your flow
Student Mobility
As an institute of the HSG, Student Mobility offers a variety of exchange opportunities with over 200 partner universities worldwide. The BuddySystem maintains a good contact with Student Mobility. Student Mobility enables the BuddySystem contacts with exchange students and partner universities. We are grateful for the long-standing cooperation.
Our patrons support our projects with their experience and network.
Their help is of great value to us and we are very grateful for their commitment!

Dr. Peter Lindstrom
As Dean of External Relations, Dr. Peter Lindstrom is responsible for the university's exchange programs and for maintaining good contacts with all official partner universities. He and his team support the BuddySystem with their expertise and network. We are very grateful for their support!